Monday, September 28, 2009


Apologies for keeping you hanging and not delivering.. I was supposed to attend the Final Fantasy and Timber Timbre show in Vancouver at a church this past Friday. I was super excited for it and you can imagine how crushed I felt when Owen Pallett came down with strep throat and had to cancel. Therefore I didn't get to see the show and don't have anything to post about either.

I do have another blog on the go though, it will document my travels through Asia over the next four months. I know it's not the same but it'll have to do as I doubt I'll be catching many relevant concerts while I'm away. Perhaps on the flip side I'll start it up again, wherever I take up roots in Canada upon my return in February. Until then!


  1. hey Glen here met you in mumbai
    at the university i hope you remember me
    the bartender guy.......

  2. hey could not find you on facebook so my name on facebook is glen gomes
    take care brother and i hope you enjoy ya tour

  3. Glen. Sorry for the delay. I've now left India and didn't go on facebook while I was there. I tried looking you up on facebook but couldn't see you. Apologies but nice meeting you anyway! Good luck in the hotel and tourism industry.
