Monday, May 25, 2009

Jesse & the Everything Else

After his unique waterphone performance the night before, Jesse was back at it, this time with a full range of percussion instruments at Ed Video. He did open with a bit of waterphone, and then intricately played the edge of a regular drum cymbal with a bow. There was a drumset piece done bongo-style with his hands (actually there were some bongos involved with the drumset itself). Then a drumming set with a variety of sticks. He is just so creative and has the ability to morph a sound on and on, drawing in the listener and creating unique arrangements - all with just his hands and feet. After an amusing story about the coffin-shaped vibraphone being sent to his door unannounced from his father, he incorporated this oversized-xylophone (with the motor disengaged) into the next piece. It was all rather impressive, the different beats he could create and the way in which this was done. For example, while playing the kick-drum, cymbals with his other foot, a shaker and/or a drumstick in one hand, he'd snap the other drumstick down on the edge of a drum so it would waver and reverberate like a diving board after a dive.

Not only is Jesse an excellent musician, but he comes across as completely down-to-earth, humble and friendly. He answered questions about his instruments and set, as well as inviting everyone to come up and try their hand at any of his instruments after the show, while he greeted us with an authentic smile and willingness to chat. Everyone I spoke with about the show afterward was blown away with his ingenuity, and excited by the spectacle they'd witnessed.

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