Even with the prolonged build-up, further delayed by the rain, I was not disappointed once she began singing out. Flanked by a couple other female musicians, violinist and guitarist/ukuleleist respectively, Basia in her polka-dotted dress had further accompaniment from a stand-up bass and drummer. Despite all of this it is her voice that cuts through and presents the "Wow" factor, especially on set-toppers Heart of My Own, If Only You and In the Night. Guesting on Go On was the trumpet player from The Hidden Cameras before the males departed to leave the prettier half of the band to play Before I Knew much to the appreciation of the hand-clapping audience.
As if the weather-gods were anticipating Basia's set (or perhaps vice versa) Basia was well-prepared with her song that sings, "I don't mind, If It Rains". Neither did we, especially since her voice like sunshine broke the clouds, warming up the afternoon as well as our hearts.
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