Expectations were supremely high for this pre-sunset set and people were stood everywhere, even on picnic benches. The group began composing their electronic masterpieces, ramping up the energy as the one member yelled occasionally into a vocoder. However it seemed that with the set amputated at either end it took too long to get off the ground and by the time it did it was practically over.
Don't get me wrong - people danced but it wasn't quite the unabashed, all-out dance party that I was really looking forward to. Even with more popular hits like Super Inuit, Lovely Allen and the recent single, Latin America there seemed to be some slight reservations. Red Lights was a personal fave and began to get the crowd really into it. Finally by the second last song most everyone was jumping along with the band and the anticipated dance party was on. Unfortunately this year they weren't Sunday night's closers so they had to yield the stage for another band and just as the fun had begun, the chord was yanked.
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