It seemed a rather small gathering of fans at the Owen Pallett's feet for his free Canada Day show in Confederation Park, Ottawa but meant that I could scramble up close for one of my all-time favourite performers. As always he took the stage with modesty, removed his boots to properly work the looping pedals and launched into it. I've babbled on about how he recreates songs in the most fantastic ways before so I'll skip to the new aspects of this show.
Nearing the end of the set I broke my trance to realize just how many people had been pulled from their resting spots in the grass to take in the spectacle from up close. The hour+ set flew by, helped by enthralling songs such as The Butcher that drew silence from the outdoor festival crowd. Saved until last was Lewis Takes Off His Shirt, the song that still makes my hair stand on end as it brings me back to the spectacularly stormy performance at last year's Hillside.
Yet that wasn't enough and we demanded Owen play us another Song Song Song before a finale of This Lamb Sells Condos that had Thomas, and some of the crowd, whistling the violin parts. Owen never disappoints!
My video of his second song, which was a version of This is the Dream but I'm not sure it was "of Win and Regine" as the chorus lyrics do not say "Montreal might eat its young" but something else.. perhaps Ottawa?
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